Sir David Attenborough made an unexpected appearance at Waitrose in Lewes on Saturday 12 May, when a lifesize cut-out of the famous naturalist was used by Plastic Free Lewes to help urge shoppers to “unpack the plastic”.
“Half of the 1.5 million tonnes of plastic waste that UK households generate every year is created by Britain’s leading supermarkets,” says Lynda Durrant of Plastic Free Lewes’s supermarkets group, “The supermarkets can no longer say this is the shopper’s problem to sort out. If we are going to tackle global plastic pollution, the supermarkets have to start taking responsibility for their contribution to it.”
(Extract from Transition Town Lewes newsletter)
David Attenborough up to his knees in a plastic sea
For this Unwrap the Plastic event I made a withy and tissue ‘sea’ to collect all the plastic rubbish and a cardboard cutout illustration of David Attenborough, who was up to his knees in plastic by the end of the event! I designed some flyers to hand out on the day, with ideas on what shoppers can do, and action we want all supermarkets to take.
I also designed the logo for Plastic Free Lewes, commissioned by Transition Town Lewes.